Warren Brothers Genetics


Censored Censored Censored

Chasin’ Fame  x Straight Up 13-10 x Gone Viral x Monumental
EN: 25-2
Stress: Negative
Bred By: Warren Bros.

Censored is out of the Champion Middleweight Breeding Gilt at the 2016 Iowa State Fair.  She was raised by WinMor Farms and exhibited by Brett Lilienthal.  Her great grand dam is the famous Gray- cie sow.  Gray-cie is a littermate to Sky’s The Limit and is one of WinMor Farms most successful sows.

Censored is a down right power house!  He’s high headed with an impressive chest floor.  The ditch down his top could hold water for days.  Censored is extremely deep bodied and blown apart in his rib cage.  He has a huge hip and is square off his rear two.  Censored has a fat set of wheels underneath him and carries all his mass with fluent strides.   Censored has got what you need for some good ole family fun this show season.

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