Warren Brothers Genetics


Center Stage

Special Effect x Straight Up Gangster x All In
Bred By: Austin and Ken Lane
Registration#: 186763001
Ear Notch: 20-1

NAPOLE: Negative

Full Price: $350/dose
Last Call: $200/dose

Center Stage is the $60,000 High Selling Grand Champion Berkshire Boar at The 2024 Exposition from Austin and Ken Lane. Center Stage’s dam “Pua” was one Austin and Ken’s all-time favorite summer gilts in 2022, which means a lot coming from such an established program. Pua picked up a few wins herself and went on a tear throughout Oklahoma shown by Abigail Potter. Pua is a littermate to Wake Up, Slum Lord, “Birdbox,” Zander Ivey’s gilt that was 3rd Berkshire gilt at the SE Regional and then was Reserve Berk and 5th Overall NJSA Gilt at the Team Purebred show in Perry, Georgia.

When they’re this good, there are no words or fluffed up write-ups that will ever do justice in accurately describing how elite Center Stage is. All the pieces Center Stage combines rarely come all together in one fault-free package. The forearm and foot size of Center Stage is downright incredible. He has huge shaggy legs with a bold chest floor and hits the ground square on all four corners. Center Stage has extra mass up high with tremendous spread and top shape that transitions down into a big rib cage. Most impressively, for all this power and stoutness, he remains very attractive in his look, being tall at the point of his shoulder, with a long clean neck. Center Stage’s ability to combine so many wild parts and pieces in a square, athletic, correct package is mind blowing. Center Stage is truly a one of a kind individual that has what it takes to be a legend within the Berkshire breed.

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