Warren Brothers Genetics
Dr. Feel Good  Dr. feel good  Dr. Feel Good

​Got That Feeling x (Megatron 3-2 x NoFare 15-6)
Stress Negative
Bred By: Warren Bros.

Dr. Feel Good is literally out of one of the best crossbred sows in the country right now!  She is a littermate to Soundwave, the $63,000
high selling cross boar at the 2013 WPX. On top of that, Megatron 3-2 is the dam of; Legit- 2016 Crossbred Classic Reserve Champion Senior Division Winner and high seller for $80,000 purchased by The Stud and Mauck Showpigs; Platinum- 2016 Crossbred Classic Reserve Champion Junior Division Winner and 3rd high seller for $70,000 purchased by Top Cut and Kilmer; Passport- the very popular private treaty boar sold to Southern Gold; Mega Dibbs and Super Soaker, housed here at Warren Bros. Genetics.

Dr. Feel Good is one unique individual that throws extreme power into an attractive package.  Coming out of the gate he gives a mesmerizing first impression with his huge chest floor and massive legs.  On the profile Dr. Feel Good is sleek jowled and is jacked up at the point of his shoulder. 
Dr. Feel Good
has a monstrous top that ties into his extensive fore rib extremely well.  He walks away with a big square hip and takes smooth
comfortable strides.  Be sure to schedule with Dr. Feel Good for your next genetic miracle.

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Warren Brothers Genetics
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OFFICE PHONE: 712-527-3435
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