Warren Brothers Genetics



Jet Black x (Scouts Honor x Burkin Off)
Bred By: Nathan Day & Kyle Rodibaugh
Registration#: 173859001
Ear Notch: 16-1
NAPOLE: Negative

Full Price: $225/dose
Overrun: $175/dose
Last Call: $100/dose

Explicit is the $35,000 High Selling Reserve Grand Champion Berkshire Boar at the 2022 Summer Type Conference, purchased from Nathan Day and Kyle Rodibaugh! Explicit’s dam is the popular $10,000 Berkshire gilt shown by Kennedy Rodibaugh at the 2021 Summer Type Conference. His Grandam is the mother of Monster at Upperhand Genetics. We are beyond excited to have the opportunity to bring home such an intriguing individual. We wholeheartedly believe Explicit will have an overwhelming influence within the Berkshire industry.

Extremely unique freak of nature. One of the most intriguing aspects of Explicit is his ability to combine so many extreme qualities into a square, eye catching package. He is massive boned off both ends and as stout featured as they come. Explicit’s hair is so thick and luscious it puts Tom Cruise’s hair to shame. He comes at you with a wide, square chest floor and is strong pasterned. From the rear view, Explicit is long hipped, wide pinned, and deep through his stifle. He takes an ultra-athletic stride with impeccable hock set and squareness. Explicit is clean necked with a ton of extension and shape. He is tall fronted and jet level with his tail head cranked up on the top side of his skeleton.

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