Warren Brothers Genetics
Prime Time
Code Blue  

Midwest Monster x (Above The Rest 6-10 x NoFare 15-6)
Stress Negative
Bred By: Warren Bros. Genetics

Fall 2018 Catalog – Full Price $75 per dose

Prime Time’s dam is one fancy momma that consistently has huge litters!
Above The Rest 6-10 is a littermate to Slick Move- the $40,000 high selling crossbred boar at the 2015 WPX purchased by Crossroads Genetics. Prime Time has never missed a beat! He has an appetite like no other and would easily put away 12 pounds of feed a day if we let him.

When it comes to structural correctness Prime Time has got it figured out! He gets out and moves like a cat! He is extremely fluent and flexible in his strides, hitting the ground square and planting his tree trunks with confidence. Prime Time is stout boned featured with extremely square and correct legs. He will add fore rib and depth of body to his offspring giving them that full and fresh appearance. Prime Time is elevated at the point of his shoulder with a naturally high head carriage and choked jowl. Prime Time is at his prime all the time!

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