Warren Brothers Genetics


Trash Talk

Pure Intention x Black N’ Blue 59-1 x Flame Thrower 10-7
Bred By: Warren Bros.
Stress: Negative

Full Price: $200/dose
Overrun: $150/dose
Last Call: $75/dose

In the spring of 2011, I started working for Steve Sell. This is where we learned a lot do’s and don’ts about breeding hogs. It was bitter sweet when Steve made the decision to retire and move to Oklahoma. Before all the sows made the trip to their new home in Cali, Steve selflessly worked it in the deal that we could have first pick of his sows. Flame Thrower 10-7 was an easy choice. She was an elite young sow with a stacked pedigree that goes back to Steve’s most successful and proven sows. Black N’ Blue 59-1’s maternal great grand dam is the famous Suzanne sow. Suzanne is the dam of Monumental: 2012 World Pork Expo Champion Crossbred boar that sold for a record breaking $180,000. Aside from Monumental’s price tag, his offspring’s success is what labeled him as one of the greatest sires of his time. It’s a rare occasion to put your hands on one of this caliber backed with this much sow power.

Trash Talk has been an absolute freak of nature ever since he hit the ground. Through every stage, Trash Talk is such a standout that even Helen Keller would have found this one. He puts so many extreme pieces into a balanced package. Trash Talk is stupid stout from his skull, foot, forearm, tailhead and everything in between. He has a ton of shape across his top and through his hip. Trash Talk comes at you with a huge, square chest view and leaves you with ultra-squareness and flexibility off of his rear two. Trash Talk is elevated at the point of his shoulder with extra extension. If you’re talking trash you better be able to back it up. Trash Talk has everything to back it up and then some.

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