Warren Brothers Genetics


True Intention

Next Intention x Price Check x Romeo x Visionary x Bone Thug
Stress: Negative
Bred By: Brock and Brett Farrell

TRUE INTENTION is the $36,000 Reserve Grand Champion Crossbred Boar at the 2021 Summer Type Conference, purchased from Brock and Brett Farrell! We are beyond excited to have the opportunity to bring home such a unique individual. We wholeheartedly believe True Intention will have an overwhelming influence within the showpig industry. True Intention and his name couldn’t be a more accurate representation of what our goals entail within the showpig industry.

Killer design with a massive set of wheels under him! TRUE INTENTION is one that brings so many positive attributes to the table with a fault free design. Here is one that merges a powerful build with an attractive look. He is cocky headed and wide bladed with a youthful appearance. TRUE INTENTION is extremely stout legged with his rear bone matching his front. He has plenty of shape with the perfect muscle design and conformation. He’s one that will add both rib and depth of body. From a rear view he is long hipped, wide pinned, and deep through his stifle. On the move, TRUE INTENTION takes fluent athletic strides and is extremely structurally correct front to rear. He truly combines bone, beef, and elevation into a functional package. We always get the question as to where is the trend headed. Well here you have it!

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Warren Brothers Genetics
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jenny Warren
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