Warren Brothers Genetics


Trust Fund

Playin’ For Keeps X (Megatron 3-2 x NoFare 15-6 x Man O’ Ware x 9 to 5)
Bred By: Warren Bros. Genetics

Full Price: $200/dose
Overrun: $150/dose
Last Call: $75/dose

Megatron 3-2 has easily generated over $300,000 in total sales and single handedly allowing us to do what we love for a living. Megatron 3-2 is a littermate to Soundwave, the $63,000 high selling cross boar at the 2014 WPX. On top of that, Megatron 3-2 is the dam of; Legit- 2016 Crossbred Classic Reserve Champion Senior Division Winner and high seller for $80,000 purchased by The Stud and Mauck Showpigs; Platinum- 2016 Crossbred Classic Reserve Champion Junior Division Winner and 3rd high seller for $70,000 purchased by Top Cut and Kilmer; Passport- the very popular private treaty boar sold to Southern Gold; Act Right, Hazardous, Smooth Landing, Ridin’ Dirty, Mega Dibbs, Super Soaker and Dr. Feel Good, housed here at Warren Bros. Genetics.

TRUST FUND comes from a lavish and established family. He would be the type of guy you would want to hide your wife from. He doesn’t just have the yacht and cars, but also has body that would get your lady going enough to drown a fish. To answer one of the most asked question “where would you protect him at?” the answer is absolutely nowhere. His extension, shoulder placement, elevation, chest floor, bone, pastern set, fore rib, depth of body, muscle expression, tail set, top line, length of hip, pin set, hock placement, base width and structural correctness are all impeccable. I know what you’re thinking, there is no such thing as a perfect pig. You would be correct, because the one thing I would change about him is we should have stuck him under a tanning light before we pictured him. His unmatched design gives him the unique compatibility to be used across all types of sows. TRUST FUND is easily the best boar Megatron 3-2 has ever raised and debatably one of the best boars we have ever laid our eyes on.

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Warren Brothers Genetics
Seth Warren
Semen Sales
derek Warren
Semen Sales
jenny Warren
OFFICE PHONE: 712-527-3435
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