Warren Brothers Genetics



Explicit x Outside The Lines 8-2 x Coattails
Bred By: Warren Bros. Genetics
Registration: 181176004
EN: 63-4

NAPOLE: Negative

Full Price: $175/dose
Overrun: $125/dose
Last Call: $50/dose

Outside The Lines 8-2 is the Grand Champion Berk Gilt and $4,500 high seller at the 2021 CPS The Recovery. Coattails 82-2 is the dam of the $4,500 Champion Berkshire Gilt at The Recovery in 2021 in Des Moines, Carly Henderson’s countless Champion or Reserve Berkshire Gilt on the Missouri jackpot circuit who ended her career the 4th Overall Berkshire Gilt Team Purebred Junior Nationals and $7,000 Reserve Berkshire Gilt STC Open Show. She would also be the dam to Austin Lane’s $3,000 Champion Berkshire Gilt in Belton this winter, and “Cub Scout” the $6,000 baby pig purchase by Goss Livestock last spring.

Killer look with all the extra bells and whistles! This one is ultra-attractive with a ton of extension and elevation through his front end. Unrated is stout made from the ground up. His shape and mass up high matches his width at the ground. His extra length of hip and squareness on all four corners is exceptionally good. Unrated is extremely clean jointed with impeccable hock placement and rear leg design which gives him the ability to be as athletic and free moving as it gets.

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Warren Brothers Genetics
Seth Warren
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derek Warren
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jenny Warren
OFFICE PHONE: 712-527-3435
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